Trumpeter 280mm K5(E) Leopold German Railroad Gun – 1 35 Scale Model Kit Sale

 Although from the mid-19th century people started considering imparting mobility to large caliber artillery pieces by placing them on special railway mountings, it was WWI that gave the impetus to making the railway gun an important part of many European armories. The advantages of railway guns were to quickly concentrated and dispersed as necessary, and by rapid changes of position they could deliver long range harassing fire and remain undetected. By 1918 the railway gun was in use by nearly all the major combatants and among them Germany was the major country with this powerful armament. But after 1918 the Treaty commissions scrapped all the German railway artillery. After the NSDAP came to power in 1933 the German military began a major rearmament program and on the list of weapons needed were modern railway guns. Before 1933 a great deal of theoretical work had been carried out on future railway guns but it was not until 1934 that the first practical work began on two new designs. In time these were to emerge as the K5 (E) and K12 (E). The Leopold had an unconfirmed range of 11 miles and fired a pre-engraved projectile weighing approximately 550 pounds. It is fired from a turntable affording a 360degree traverse. The gun has a 70-foot 8-inch barrel held in a sleeve-type cradle. The barrel recoil mechanism, fitted between two arms projecting downward from the cradle, consists of two hydro pneumatic cylinders and a single hydraulic buffer cylinder. A central jack helps support the tremendous weight of the gun and carriage, which amounts to around 230 tons and also serves as a central pivot for the turntable. The German Leopold Gun was the largest weapon, which lobbed shells at American troops at Anzio Beach . The Leopold supported by 24 railcar wheels, was mounted on railroad tracks, which led in and out of mountain tunnels. When not firing, the gun was rolled back into the tunnels out of the sight of Allied reconnaissance. Although both guns had been extensively damaged, Allied forces were able to salvage the Leopold and after reconstruction of the railway, moved the gun to Naples for shipment to the United States. Anzio Annie as the gun was known to the Allied troops at Anzio, is the only German railroad gun known to have survived World War II. The Leopold is currently on display at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, Maryland.Â
Item No   00207
Item Name   Length: 959 mm Width: 128mm Height:160mm
Bar Code   n a
Scale   1:35
Item Type   Static Armor
Model Brief   Length: 460.5 mm Width: 84.7mm Height:103mm
Total Parts   1140pcs
Metal Parts   Rail chain
Photo Etched Parts   For (chimney brace frame) grills
Film Parts   n a
Total Sprues   26pcs sprues +4pcs hull assembly plate +2pcs truck upper decks +18 sections railway
Paint Schemes   For German Panzer Division France 1941 Italy 1944
Released Date   n a
More Features   Engine detail
*This is an unbuilt model kit that contains parts that need to be assembled. Cement and paint are not included but are required to complete the assembly . Basic modeling skills such as cutting, trimming, sanding, and painting are recommended. This model kit contains small parts and is not recommended for small children without parental supervision.
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